7 ways to choose the right route for your bike commute

Veteran hard-core commuter cyclists are good at many things. Telling you exactly how much mileage they’ve logged far this year, for example. Clip-clopping in their stiff-soled cycling shoes in places where that is totally inappropriate. And offering the simplest advice to anyone who has ever expressed interest in riding their bike more: “Just get out …

The health benefits of e-bikes should kill the idea that riding them is ‘cheating’

Ever since electric bikes were introduced and started gaining popularity, there has been an ongoing argument among traditional bicycle riders and those who prefer electric bikes about whether riding a motorized bicycle counts as an exercise and has health benefits as a traditional bike. Some traditionalists claim that riding an electric bike is almost like …

How your commute can contribute to a long and healthy life

You could drive a car to work every day. But then you’d be missing out on an opportunity to make your life both safer and healthier. So says research from the team of Dr. Kay Teschke from the University of British Columbia, who looked at the relative safety of different modes of transportation. When it …

Here’s an idea to make cycling seem safer: Ban the crossbar

Here’s a novel new idea for making cycling safer: Ban men’s bikes. Seriously, this is a real idea, but don’t stop reading yet. Since the recommendation came out of the Netherlands, where they know a thing or two about biking, it’s worth a closer look. It wasn’t exactly “men’s” bikes that were targetted, rather bikes …